Function runJobs

  • A Job is a function that returns a promise. This helper can be used to run multiple jobs concurrently, returning a promise that resolves as an array of all the results.

    Type Parameters


    • ctx: Context

      The context to run the jobs in.

    • jobs: T

      An array of jobs to run.

    • Optional options: RunJobsOptions

      Options for running the jobs.

    Returns JobResults<T>

    An array of results, in the same order as the jobs array.


    async function step(ctx: Context) {
    const jobs = [
    {title: 'job 1', handler: () => Promise.resolve(1)},
    {title: 'job 2', handler: () => Promise.resolve(2)},
    {title: 'job 3', handler: () => Promise.resolve(3)},
    const options = {concurrency: jobs.length, onUpdate: console.log};
    const results = await runJobs(ctx, jobs, options);
    return results;
    const ctx = {};
    step(ctx).then(results => console.log(results));


    • To run all jobs without rejecting the promise if one of them fails, use try/catch inside the job handler.

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